‘Legal Tech is Shaking up Germany’s Consumer Rights Enforcement: What will new legislation mean for the sector?’


  • Hartmut-Emanuel Kayser Prof. Dr. Hartmut-Emanuel Kayser, Professor of Law, EBC University, Düsseldorf, Lawyer
  • Isabella Pereira Isabella Pereira Kayser, cand. iur., European University Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder)


Germany, Tech, Law


After many years of obscurity, the legal tech market is now booming and is trying to take over parts of the legal market. The very wide term “legal tech” may not be defined legally yet but commonly denotes the use of software for document management or specialised legal research databases, and the automatic creation of legal documents, smart contracts and online dispute resolution. Although the various fields differ considerably in terms of technical requirements, markets, business models and distribution channels, there must be a regulated market for such legal services within the framework of an orderly administration of justice. In Germany, this scenario must be seen in the light of the development of the debt collection industry, which has changed dramatically in recent years.




How to Cite

Kayser, H.-E. ., & Pereira , I. . (2021). ‘Legal Tech is Shaking up Germany’s Consumer Rights Enforcement: What will new legislation mean for the sector?’. Swiss Chinese Law Review, 1(3). Retrieved from https://ac.sclalawreview.org/index.php/ac/article/view/132



Technology and Law