The Secret to Cross-Border Trade Secret Protection: How cross-border collaboration can enforce your cross-border trade secrets


  • John stone Zunxia Li Swiss Chinese Law Review


law, cross-border, china, usa


Even when geopolitical tensions between China and the U.S.A. arise or seem more visible, US and Chinese businesses' research, development, manufacturing, distribution often overlap or occur in partnership, as well as in competition. Navigating trade secret protection, particularly in US-Chinese cross-border situations may be the key to achieving significant success or suffering near-catastrophic failure in international commerce. This article provides an introduction to the US’s and China’s respective trade secret laws, and where and how trade secret disputes involving US and Chinese parties might be addressed and resolved.




How to Cite

Zunxia Li, J. stone. (2023). The Secret to Cross-Border Trade Secret Protection: How cross-border collaboration can enforce your cross-border trade secrets. Swiss Chinese Law Review, 2(6). Retrieved from